Friday, February 23, 2007

Observation 2 (February 22, 2007)

The second observation went well. No delays, no ice storms, etc. Linda and I arrived earlier than our usual time so as to observe some language arts and morning routines. The students seem to be used to our arrival around that time. While everything seemed to be like it always has been in the classroom, I noticed a few things that I hadn't noticed before.

Though I always knew that there was a varied range in academic achievement in the classroom, it wasn't until today that I understood how drastic the range really is. The morning routine includes doing a few worksheets in math and language arts. The math worksheet consisted of double-digit number sentences, simple graph interpretation, and addition. These are supposed to be easy enough to do independently (more a review of old concepts than anything difficult and new). Ms. M asked us to help a few of the students. The student I worked with had no concept of number sentences, and was still a counter rather than a computater. This disturbed me a little since this should have been learned last semester, yet the student still struggled with it. He was not alone. A few other students had trouble with the same concepts. I wonder since these students are struggling, whether Ms. M should differentiate the morning routine work. I suppose that the math instruction class material is sticking in my mind since I wished that manipulatives were more readily available. The short time during the morning just reminded me how vast the range of abilities can exist in a classroom (especially since Ms. M has about 25 students in her classroom). It was all a little intimidating.

As the morning continued, I noticed a few other things that I hadn't noticed in Ms. M's classroom before. A teacher unknowingly holds ideas and perceptions that influences their actions toward their students. This can be a good thing, but it can also be dangerous. Some kids are quickly punished for their trouble-making antics, while others who are not "trouble-makers" are let off for some of the same antics. I know it isn't intentional, but I realize that as teachers, we must develop a constant self-awareness in our teaching, our attitudes, and our perceptions. It seems difficult, and I'm not sure how to better develop or maintain that level of self-awareness when there are so many other things that need to occupy a teacher's mind.

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