Thursday, March 08, 2007

Pre-Assessment (March 8th, 2007)

The pre-assessment did NOT go as well as I thought it would. The drawing portion (an adaptation for those in the class who have difficulty writing) took up so much time. A little more than half the students finished quickly, while the others took almost half an hour. Many of the students were particularly concerned about their spelling. I tried to assure them that spelling won't affect how I'll see their worksheets, but I don't think they believed me. I'm not sure what that means.

I think that if I were to do this preassessment over, I would tell them a specific amount of time allowed for the drawings. I think that I would also have written directions that if they do not know a concept, to skip it and move on. I said it verbally, but they either a) didn't listen b) didn't believe me 3) didn't want to.

Hopefully, the pre-assessment content will help in lesson fine-tuning.

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